Sunday, 30 June 2013

Whale Sharks, the Big Friendly Giants

I was always told that seeing a whale shark in the water with you will leave you awe struck and speechless. If you know me in real life, then you know that there are very few times that I am speechless, much to hubs disappointment (especially when he's trying to sleep). 
snorkeling with whale sharks oslob philippines
We made great time on our road trip and arrived in Oslob by around 9:30. As soon as you reach the small town, you're bombarded with signs leading to businesses that will take you out to see the whale sharks. I admit that it was a huge tourist trap but sometimes you just have to suck it up, put on your 'I love Cebu' T-shirt and fanny pack and join the other tourists in order to see one of the most amazing things I have ever laid my eyes on.
snorkeling with whale sharks oslob philippines
We first had to sit through a five minute safety and informational speech. They explained to us that each day they send boats out that throw small fish into the water to attract the whale sharks. This is yes, for the purpose of tourism, but also so scientists in the area can come tag them, study their behavior and hopefully use this information to protect them in the future. Around 12 o'clock, the feeding stops so the whale sharks will go back into the wilderness and hunt on their own, therefore discouraging dependency on the program.
snorkeling with whale sharks oslob philippines
They also explained (with diagrams I might add) that we must at all times stay at least four meters away from the whale sharks. If we did not adhere to this law we were warned that we could either be fined (about $50) or sent to jail for a few weeks. No problem we thought. Don't it. We had no idea just how difficult that would be until we got in the water with them. We headed away from the information tent and towards the water. As soon as we stepped foot on the beach, we could see fins stretching out of the water and towards the sky, along with massive shadows lurking beneath the surface. 
Technically a shark but getting the name because it's as big as some whales; these giants can get up to almost 12 meters (41.5 ft) long and can weigh more than 47,000 tons. Their mouth alone can reach up to 5 feet in length! But don't worry, they're filter feeders, eating only small fish, plankton and krill. The largest we saw that day was over 9 meters (29.5 feet) long.
whale shark, oslob philippines
We hopped in one of the small narrow boats that littered the water front, filled with people anxious for a glimpse of the infamous giants. We prepped inside the boat and donned our mask and fins as quickly as we could so we wouldn't waste a minute of our allotted 35 minutes in the water. Once we ducked under the water we knew what people meant when they said we would be in awe. We did not see just one whale shark, but nine gliding through the crystal clear waters, taking turns it seemed, to surface and gulp down the tiny fish the boats were pouring into the waters. 
As I was hanging onto the boat, readjusting my goggles, my feet dangling in the water, I felt a sudden jolt under my feet. Shocked and curious, I put my head down in the water and saw one of the massive beings swimming just inches under me. It had quite literally ran into me. See what I mean about it being difficult to stay far away? Panicked, I looked up to my tour guide to see if he had caught what had just happened. He let out a small chuckle and told me not to worry, it happened all the time. All they want is food and many times they pay no attention to the dozens of swimmers in the water around them. There were even times when I looked over at hubs and had to hurriedly motion for him to move out of the way because one of the whale sharks, mouth wide open, was just inches behind him, heading his way.
snorkeling with whale sharks oslob philippines
whale sharks oslob philippines
After spending every last moment we could in the water, we headed back for shore, not being able to wipe the childish grins off of our faces. On the way back home, the rain caught up with us as we rode the last hour in the pouring rain. Soaked to the bone as we arrived back at our hotel, smiles still plastered on our faces, the staff questioned us about how it went. It was the perfect ending to the perfect weekend getaway.
snorkeling with whale sharks oslob philippines
Have you ever or would you ever swim freely with this mammoth of a fish?

Linking up with  CarissaRachelLoganLeann, Molly

Friday, 28 June 2013

BIG NEWS! Announcing the Snail Mail Collective

This blogging community can be pretty great. I mean, I don't want to give you a big head or anything, but ya'll (yes, I'm from the south, it had to come out sometime) are amazing. You are a large reason of why I continue this blog of mine. Yes, I love writing and documenting our world travels, but it is the connections that I have made with other bloggers that I love the most.

That is why I'm teaming up with one of the sweetest girls in blogland, Melyssa, from The Nectar Collective to bring you all an international package exchange. Our goal is to provide an avenue to connect and get to know people from all over the world by exchanging packages and postcards each month. This is a great way to not only meet people around the world, but to also learn about new cultures and make new friends! Interested in joining us? Read the rules below and let's get started!

Rules & Information

In order to participate in the Snail Mail Collective this July, please fill out this form. Filling out the form means you commit to actively participating and following the rules below.

1. You will be paired with one new person. We will do our best to make sure this person is from a different country, or at the very least, a different area of your country. We will strive for you to make international friends, but it's also nice to get to know the different parts of our own homeland.

2. Each month's gifts will have a theme. The first theme (for July) is to introduce where you live - what's special about it?

3. Each month, we will be taking sign-ups until the 7th day of the month. After that, the pairings will be posted on our blogs on the 9th or 10th of the month. Please check Lost in Travels or The Nectar Collective to find out who you're paired with.

4. You will have 72 hours to contact your partner (both partners must communicate together). If you're partner does not respond within 72 hours, please e-mail Melyssa or Chelsea.

5. You will have about two weeks to get to know your partner. After that time, your gifts must be sent by the 22nd of the month.

6. Gifts: Your present(s) should not total more than $5. We want this project to be affordable for you, so think small, but meaningful. Also, all packages must include a postcard (preferable) or a letter to your partner. Motivate them, tell them all the beautiful things you learned about them this month, and make them feel special! We could all use a little encouragement, especially from our new friends.

7. Once you receive your gifts, we highly encourage you to write a blog post about your experience. Share what you gave, received, and learned through participating in the Snail Mail Collective and meeting your new buddy.

8. At the beginning of each month, we will hold a link-up on our blogs (The Nectar Collective & Lost in Travels) where you can share and link-up your SMC blog posts. This way, you can see how people around the world interpreted the theme, learn about other cultures, and meet even more new friends.

Thursday, 27 June 2013


Dear Amber, thanks so much for taking me to learn cupcake decorating for my birthday! Even though I'm pretty sure the owner was giggling so much because, well, let's face it. Frosting decorations just are not my forte (hint, all the pretty perfect ones in the picture above belong to Amber). Dear Seoul, you're my favorite city in Korea by far. I'm so glad we get to spend the weekend, hanging out with friends, shopping, and of course getting our fill of Mexican food. I can taste the guacamole now... Dear Crystal, I hope you're enjoying your little Philippine getaway but I'm ready for you to get back so we can have a blogger meet up this weekend! I can't wait for you to show me the ropes in Seoul for vintage shopping! We all know that you're the best at it. Dear Hubs, I'm so glad I married someone who gets worried about me if I'm too quiet. Which we all know doesn't happen very often. 

Oh and stayed tuned because I have some big news coming up later today!

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzieLisette
And now onto some of my lovely sponsor this month. Be sure to check them out and say hi!

About Quinn: Kimchi & Sweet Tea started out as a way to share honeymoon pictures with family. It has turned into so much more. I love sharing our everyday happenings and experiences as a mixed culture family - the good, bad, and hilarious. 

Her Favorite Trip: During the summer of 2009, I was newly married and on my way to South Korea with my husband… and his dad. That's right. My father-in-law joined us on our honeymoon. It turned out to be the best trip ever! Although, my husband still owes me a tradition chaperone-free honeymoon. I am a sucker for history and family stories, so it was nice to have someone tag along that knew the ins and outs of South Korea. We traveled all over the country- adventuring and meeting many of my husband's family members along the way. 
Twitter // Facebook

About Sage: Sage is a faith-based lifestyle blog that aims to bring together women from all walks of life. Sage chronicles the ins-and-outs of everyday life as a twenty-something-year-old Christian gal including realtionships, food, health, and life as a newly engaged lady. As Sage continues to grow, I really hope to provide encouragement, fellowship, and love to all of my readers. It is my hope that my crazy little world will inspire others even in the slightest.

Her Favorite Trip: You would think that with all the international travel I have done, my favorite place to travel would be abroad, but it's not. It's actually right in my own backyard. My favorite place to visit is the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is SO much different from the South Rim. It's green, full of aspens and mountain wildlife. Cool breezes dominate, where on the South Rim there are rarely breezes at all. It is a different world, and its serenity gets me every time.
Instagram // Twitter

About Kim: I started blogging when my husband and I decided to relocate to Mexico City. Blogging, has allowed me to share my experiences (good and bad) with my family, friends and readers and connect with other expats. The Mexico you see on the news is not the Mexico I see in my day to day life.  I love exposing people to the  rich culture and wonderful places through the writing and photography on my blog.

Her Favorite Trip: This is a tough question! There are only two places I've ever been, where I've cried every time I boarded the plane to leave: home (for the obvious reason that leaving home and my parents is always sad) and Hawaii.
I love Hawaii.
Hawaii has such a relaxed vibe. It has all of the benefits of life in the US (functional baking system,  Reese's Peanut butter cups, postcards, etc.) but with a very distinct island vibe. The culture in Hawaii is enchanting unique and special. Plus, there are many things to do for free--which makes it even more fun!
Instagram // Bloglovin'

About Heather: Oh hey there, I'm Heather from Fiery & Opinionated! A late 20-something new resident of San Francisco… product manager by day, blogger and fledging amateur photographer by night, food lover and booze aficionado. On my blog you'll hear randomness about my life, musings and yes, opinions on just about everything. 

Her Favorite Trip: My favorite place to visit is, and always will be the lake. I grew up spending my summers on one of the Finger Lakes in upstate NY. It is gorgeous and there's something about time at the lake that relaxes and recharges me like nothing else can. Lucky for me, I found a guy who is also from a 'lake family' so I have two amazing lakes now!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A Wellness Giveaway

We could all use a little relaxation right? I'll admit, I don't lead a super stressful life here in Korea. I work part-time, have great students and have a pretty darn good support system. So where does the stress come in? Mostly from missing out on events back home or from me...just being inside my head too much (it happens quite often). Everyone has their different stresses in life but we all have one thing in common, we want to get rid of it! So this month I have joined an awesome group on blogging ladies to giveaway one 'wellness package' that is sure to reduce some of that pesky unneeded stress. What are you most looking forward to winning?
June Sponsor Wellness Giveaway
//Yoga Mat//EOS Lip Balm//Happiness Project//Portable Tea Infuser Tumbler//
//1,000 Places to See//Origins Calming Candle//Twinnings Green Tea//

I'd like to thank my wonderful June sponsors for donating to this giveaway! Be sure to stop by their blogs and introduce yourselves.
Postcards from Rachel June Wellness Giveaway
//Postcards from Rachel//A Fabulous Life in Jamaica//Lost in Travels//
//Chits and Giggles//Found Love Now What?//The Nectar Collective//
//The Olive Tree Blog//Stay Blonde, Ski Local//'Cause You Gotta Have Faith//
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

On the Road to Whale Sharks

We got a flat tire. In the middle of no where. In a third world country. Most people would panic and trust me, I had my times that I wanted to, but thank goodness the people in the Philippines are some of the nicest I've ever met. Oh! And most speak perfect English. I'm pretty sure my 'almost' freak out would have most definitely turned into a full blown freak out if we were in a country where we didn't speak the same language. Just another one of those times that are truly unpredictable in traveling and you have no option but to sit back, laugh, and wait as your tire gets fixed.
broken down motorbike moalboal philippines
So first things first. Let's start from the beginning. We woke up at the crack of dawn...ok, it was more like 6am but I'm pretty sure on vacation that can be considered before the crack of dawn. We woke up to the sound of pouring down rain on our little bungalow and immediately felt our hearts sink. Our plan for the day was to take our rented motorbike on the two hour trip to the town of Oslob where whale sharks can be seen daily. 

We would have been just fine waiting until the rain passed but the whale sharks usually leave the area around 11am. We were on a deadline. We were told that if we didn't leave by 7am there was a chance we wouldn't make it in time. As we looked out the window at the rain clouds that surrounded our hotel, we knew that it was now or never. 

We gathered enough determination and decided that despite the rain, we would head out anyway, through the pouring rain and onto the whale sharks. Might I add that this is probably making it seem like we were a whole lot more upbeat than we were. I believe our exact words were along the lines of 'screw the rain, let's go see the whale sharks'. 

Thankfully by the time we headed out at 7, the rain had cleared up. We went about twenty minutes out of Moalboal and were making our way through the countryside, dotted with modest wooden and concrete homes. I remember thinking how amazing this was and even with the rain, everything was working out perfectly. Tip: don't ever think that because the minute you do, your motorbike will begin to swerve and slow down and you will find out you have a very.flat.tire. At least that's what happened to us.
We rolled to a stop in front of a large wooden box of a house. No windows, no lights inside, this is what was common to see in the countryside of the Philippines. A friendly couple inside must have seen us and directed that there was a bike shop about a kilometer down the road. Well since the bike wouldn't drive, especially with two people on it, I hopped off and told hubs to go on ahead and I would catch up on foot. I know, I should have been more worried and hubs gave me several nervous looks before I finally convinced him and he slowly rode off. But it's hard to be worried or nervous when every person I encountered is so genuinely nice. I had several people stopping what they were doing to say hello and ask me if I was ok. Once I told them I got a flat tire, they nodded knowingly and pointed down the road. They must have seen hubs pass by just minutes before. When I finally arrived at the infamous bike shop, I saw five guys huddled around our bike staring at the gaping hole in the tube. Finally, the owner of the shop nodded his head and told us no problem, he'll have it fixed shortly.
I was relieved but apprehensive as I watched our mechanic use technics that haven't been seen in the states in decades if not longer. When he finally finished, and went to fill the tube with air, we were met with another disappointment. That hole was fixed, but there were five more that he hadn't seen before. He shook his head and set it down. We would have to go to the next town over and buy a new tire. By now I was getting really anxious as it was nearing eight o'clock and we had hardly begun our two hour journey. Hubs jumped on the back of a workers motorbike and I sat at the shop playing an unofficial game of peek-a-boo with the shy little girls in the shop next door. As one point, I prayed 'Why don't you want us to see the whale sharks God?!' It seemed like the trip just wan't going to work out. After checking at two different stores, hubs finally found the last tube available and returned looking triumphant. Things were finally starting to turn around. He quickly installed the new tube but the most important question was still to be answered. How much? We were obviously tourist and in a country that blatantly posts two different prices for locals and tourists, we were expecting the worst. 
The owner looked down, thinking of what to tell us, then talked with his shop mates to confirm. The total cost for his labor? 50 pesos or $1.25. As a traveler and tourist, these are the times when you double or triple the asking price without question. The total bill for labor, a new tube and paying the young man who drove to get the new tube was 280 pesos or $6.50.
broken down motorbike moalboal philippines
In our short time in the Philippines, I was amazed not only by the prices, not only by the genuine friendliness that you encounter, but also by the simple way of life. It's a humbling experience to see how others live and to see a young man's face light up when you give him the equivalence of a dollar for driving you a short distance. It is these experiences and realizations that I cherish from our trips abroad.
Linking up with Rolled Up Pretty and Shanna 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Travel Tuesdays-Shanghai

Just a little something to cure your wanderlust for the week.


“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” –Bill Bryson

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Rushing Water and Lines of Rope

I never thought that I would be able to mark 'repel down waterfalls' off my bucket list. Then again, it was never on my bucket list to begin with. But leave it to hubs to find a new activity that I have never heard of and make me fall in love with it. 

When we arrived in the Philippines, hubs only had one thing planned and that was repelling...down waterfalls. The gist of it was that we took about an hour ride in the beast, hiked for 45 up the side of a mountain and then hiked/repelled down waterfalls on the Montaneza River until we reached the bottom. We repelled down a total of five waterfalls, the largest of them being 30 meters. 

The walk up the mountain was a little less than enjoyable. The views were fantastic, the company was great, but walking uphill for 45 minutes in what my guess was 100% humidity was not my idea of fun.
moalboal, philippines
moalboal, philippines
With it being low season right now in the Philippines, we were actually the only two that had signed up for the trip. This was great because we not only could we go at our own pace, but we got to know our guides a whole lot better. 
moalboal, philippines
moalboal, philippines
This was just one of the many 'iffy' walking paths that we had to take. Good thing we had helmets on!
moalboal philippines
moalboal philippines

After we were finished, we ended back where we had started and the driver had prepared a feast of a  meal including fruit, barbecue chicken and fish, rice wrapped in bamboo and and my favorite, shandies. I tried to get hubs to stay behind so he could learn how to cook but it was a no go. 
moalboal philippines
I couldn't get over the landscape in the Philippines. Everything was lush and green when we went and the areas around the river were astounding. I would highly recommend if you ever make it over to the Philippines, find a spot to go repelling! 

About BelindaHello lovely little jelly beans! My name is Belinda and I am the writer behind the creative space of Found Love, Now What? I moved from Seattle to Northern Wales all to be with my British husband. I write on travels throughout the UK and beyond, life as an expat, advice on long distance relationships and more. Hop on over and say hello. I look forward to meeting you!

Her Favorite Trip: That is a tough question Chelsea! Hmm.... of all the places I have seen and visited I would have to say that one spot that would make my short list would have to be Istanbul. I loved the combination of the different elements of history, design, colors and cultures. I was mesmerized. I hope the dissent in Istanbul is resolved soon so the city can welcome visitors back with open arms.
Bloglovin' // Twitter // Facebook

Linking up with  CarissaRachelLoganLeann, Molly

Friday, 21 June 2013

Planning a Cruise in Alaska-Vintage Love & Photographs

Living abroad, I continuously amaze myself at just how little of the good ol' United States I've actually seen. Growing up we pretty much stuck to Michigan (where we lived) and Florida (where my grandparents lived. read:free housing). Through my adolescence we started to travel more but mostly internationally (no complaints there). But have I seen the Grand Canyon? Nope. Niagara Falls? Nope. Yellowstone? Nope. My students are in shock that I haven't seen some of the most famous landmarks in my home country. Which is why hubs wants to buy an RV when we move back home and travel around the states for a few months. Anyone want to join us? Along with the continental U.S. another place that's high on our list is Alaska. Today I have Kristy from Vintage Love and Photographs to show you exactly why I need to go there.
Hey guys! It's Kristy from Vintage Love and Photographs. I thought I'd share about my last trip I took which was last year. My husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary once he came home from a deployment in May. We took a seven day cruise departing from Seattle to Alaska. I've never been to Seattle/Washington but I liked what I saw & would like to visit again. Our stops were in Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan & Victoria, Canada.
I've visited all over the U.S. including Hawaii and I have to say Alaska is the most gorgeous state I have visited thus far. Every time I walked outside I was just in awe of all the beauty around me. I am not a nature girl at all so that tells you how beautiful it is there.
I bet you're curious as to if we saw any wild life! Well, I will be honest and tell you we didn't see a lot. I know! But we saw a bear and her cub from the ship and another bear while we were on a tram, so close enough to appreciate but not too close. We also saw I believe a baby humpback whale. We did see a lot of bald eagles which was pretty cool too.
As far as going on a cruise both my husband and I love them! They are so easy to plan vs. a regular vacation and we have found they are more affordable. I've been on three cruises thus far and hope to go on many more in the future. I thought I'd share some tips for those interested in going on a cruise.
-Do your research & the more in advance you book your trip the cheaper it will be. If you go during September-December to the Caribbean/Mexico it will be even cheaper because it's during hurricane season. I've gone on two cruises during this time & the weather wasn't an issue but this is all personal preference.

-Unless you have lots of money to spend just skip the balcony. I had to learn this the hard way. You will not use it as much as you think you will and if you're unlucky like me you will have to inhale unwanted cigarette smoke. 

-If you want to drink soda on the ship just bring your own in your luggage (stop at a store prior to boarding) and save a bit of money.

-Take a chance and book your excursions once you get to port. Those excursions tend to be cheaper than if you book with your cruise line.

-Pay attention to what you charge to your room (the only way to pay for things on a ship, at least with Carnival) because it adds up!

I hope I have at least piqued your interested in both going on a cruise and visiting Alaska. Side note, be sure to check out my fun giveaway over on my blog.

The Mount Nevis Hotel's Haute View!

Solitude is sometimes elusive unless you journey to a place where it captures the essence of peace and serenity. On my recent trip to Nevis, West Indies, I was introduced to a place that harmonizes with the landscape and energy of the Caribbean Sea.

The Mount Nevis Hotel sits on 17 acres of the Roundhill Estate, back in the 1800s it was a lime plantation. Although, it’s not where you would typically find a Haute Travels girl, it is a place to reconnect with your soul. There’s nothing glamorous about the property, it’s simple, tropical and serene just what soul searchers dream about. The intimacy allows for a bit if introspection, while you enjoy stunning views of Nevis and nearby St. Kitts. Each day during sunrise, I sat on the balcony to meditate taking in the magic surrounding me. In my opinion, the views from The Mount Nevis Hotel are a force to be reckoned with… it just may have the most amazing views of the Nevis peak and surrounding sea than any other place on the island.

The owners of the property abandoned their life in Tarrytown, New York for the peacefulness of the Caribbean about 23 years ago. And as fate would have it, they fell in love with the view. I suppose in many ways, they are no different than a Haute Travels girl in search of solitude away from city life and the crowds. There are amazing five star resorts and then there are small, intimate properties that offer something that money can’t buy—a soul renewed.

Glam Nights in Paris!

When in Paris, glam dinners, fashionable nights out and beauty appointments make travel haute! If you're jetting off to the "City of Lights" with your friends or meeting them in Paris, spend time making the scene wearing something that blings. There are many places to go but two are hot on my list.

I've always dreamed of spending time at some of the city's most exclusive properties located in the "Golden Triangle" such as the Four Seasons Hotel, George V, Paris near the Champs-Elysees and Le Bar at Plaza Athenee on Avenue Montaigne bringing those "Sex and the City" moments to life. I'm equally as excited to make my way from one beauty appointment to the next, at the world's most exclusive spas. But first, here's a look at my photos from fun, fashionable nights in Paris with my friend, Fashion Designer Kate Mack.

Glam Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris is something that every haute travels girl must experience. The fine dining experience at Le Cinq may put a dent in your haute couture bag, but it sure is worth it! Rare black truffles, exquisite champagne and dinner to die for makes the Four Seasons in Paris a Haute Spot.

Headed to Le Bar du Plaza Athenee… there’s a mix between fashion and classic modern style. The bar glows and the fashion crowd calls this place their home away from home during Paris Fashion Week. When in the capital of couture, you must stop by to try a chic cocktail wearing camera-ready fashions. You never know who you may see while sipping a glass of sparkling champagne.

Where is your favorite GLAM spot in Paris?

Thursday, 20 June 2013


Notice anything different around here? I'm so excited to finally launch Lost in Travels' new look! There are going to be a few changes around here in the coming months and I can't wait to share everything with you guys! I owe the new format all to a good friend of mine, Rachel, from back home. She's pretty much a design genius. I'm thrilled with what she's provided me and especially excited about the new header which she made a custom font for. I have no idea how to even begin to do that. See why I called in a professional? Also, check out the new 'Travel Tips' page at the top. I hope my trial and error travel experiences can help you on an upcoming trip!
isn't she just gorgeous?
Dear Students, I walked into class last week and was bombarded by sweet messages on the board and everyone holding a cake and singing happy birthday. A+ for everyone. Dear Friends, I always thought that birthdays in Korea wouldn't be that great because I didn't have friends and family from back home here to celebrate with me. Thanks for proving me wrong once again.

Dear Amber, you were my party planner extraordinaire! Thank you so much for all the sweet decorations and the amazing homemade cake! If you haven't visited her blog yet, go check it out to find some awesome DIY crafts!

Dear Korea, you're a little early this year on the rainy season. I hope my students are ok with their teacher looking like a drown rat for the next six weeks because I don't see the point of doing my hair when it will be ruined as soon as the humidity hits it. Hey rainy season, want to leave a little early this year?  Dear Hubs, since we didn't get to spend any alone time on my actual birthday, you made it up to me the next day by waking me up with this. You sure to know how to make a girl happy. Food, the answer is always food. 

Happy happy weekend friends! I finally got more of our Philippines documented and ready to go for next week!

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzieLisette
And now onto some of my lovely sponsor this month. Be sure to check them out and say hi!
About Laura: We are a creative couple who are parents to a very active little man. John is a traditional barber from Wales and Laura is a trained photographer from South Africa and have made there home in the UK (for now!). We love to travel, eat good food, fashion, parenting, spending as much time outdoors as possible while listening to good music and capturing our lives through photo's. 

Her favorite trip: I think one of the best places was simply because it was such a surprising city was Zagreb - the capital of Croatia. Everyone goes to the coast but I had arrived in Zagreb on an overnight train from Zurich, sharing my coupe with two Bosnia's and traveling through Switzerland and Slovenia into Croatia. Arriving into the city it was a bit daunting with graffiti everywhere but I met up with some couch surfing people and discovered the real, young and vibrant city. Also love Cape Town and Nice in the South of France.

About Robyn: Hi everyone! I started to record my ramblings and misadventures of life in Africa (and now the Middle East) for my family and friends abroad. It opened the world of blogging to me and I now love finding new blogs. I am currently living in Kuwait and looking forward to escaping the summer heat very soon! Come over and say hello!

Her favorite trip: My favourite place to visit and travel - Uganda. An easy question for me. It really is the pearl of Africa. If it is not on your bucket list, it should be.

About Emmy: My blog is a constant reminder to me, and I hope to others, that Love is what should drive our day. It's what should motivate us to get up in the morning. And I throw in a lot of coffee, puppies, musicals, books, and other nerdy things along the way.

Her favorite trip: My favorite place that I have traveled to thus far was New York City. It had been a long time dream of mine to travel to the Big Apple (I'm a HUGE Broadway nerd) and when I heard that the movie Newsies was going to Broadway, I knew I had to go see it on stage. On a whim I sent a message out to some of my friends and one agreed to go on a crazy Memorial Day adventure with me! Everything about the city drew me in. After only a couple of hours I felt at home in the heart of Manhattan. A year later I can still hear the call of NYC in the back of my mind and I can't wait until I have the chance to go back. (And yes, Newsies was amazing.)