Thursday, 21 March 2013


Dear Readers, I promise Thailand posts will be coming back soon. We've been preoccupied with moving, starting a new job, and well...being lazy (along with 19 hours of interviews that we did this week to test employees speaking proficiency levels. As enjoyable as it actually was for 'working' I never want to hear anything about the procurement of valves for cargo ships again). But I have some exciting posts planned with rock climbing, city reviews, tigers, and elephants! Dear Spinach, I love that you're so cheap right now. I've been having green smoothies for lunch every day the past few weeks and trying to stock up and freeze as much of you as I can while you're still cheap! I think I have enough?
Dear Student, I realize that I teased you on the first day of class that you should bring in tiramisu for the class since you said it was your specialty. But I never thought that I would walk into class with a large container of it and spoons for everyone. If this is what 'sucking up to the teacher' means, I may start encouraging it more. Dear Zeke, I know you like to pretend you're still a kitten and can fit in tight spots but I think it may be time to give that up.

Dear Bed, I miss you. Let's have a date. Right after I finish a large pizza. A well deserved end to a hectic week. (PS I don't know how all of you out in the 'real world' do it. Real work week hours are the death of me.) Dear Chingus (friends in Korean), I can't wait to try to make this next weekend. Who wouldn't want this for their 20-something birthday party?!

PS I guest posted over on MegJade, and Harley & Jane's blogs this week. Go check them out and show them some love!

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissy

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