Tuesday, 21 May 2013

A Place I Call Home

Living as an expat, far from all things once familiar, is sometimes a surreal experience. Since leaving the states just over two years ago, there has been tragedy upon tragedy that we don't find out about until we wake up and check our Twitter or Facebook the next day. All of these experiences have been heartbreaking but they don't feel 'real' in a sense since we're so far away. All we have are second hand accounts from social media and news sites to find out the latest news from back home.

But with the recent tragedies in Oklahoma, it hit close to home. Just two hours from where both of our families and all of our friends live, I can't help but think about how this time is different. This time it was too close for comfort. But on top of all of these feelings, I have an overwhelming sense of pride of my country and my state with how we bond together to help each other out in the midst of chaos and heartache.

So today I focus on the good, the positive, and strive to think that above it all, there is still good in this messed up world of ours. Today I am thankful for:

Families being safe and sound
Romantic gestures
My sister and her ability to make me laugh at anything
Friends both old and new
For parents being able to come and visit
 For this guy, plain and simple
This fur ball 
Lazy weekends spent in hammocks
And this beautiful country that we get to call home
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by the tornadoes this week. I am proud to be an Okie. 'I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma.'

Linking up with LisetteRolled Up Pretty and Shanna

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