Sunday, 7 July 2013

A Sweeter Life+Guest Post for Lost in Travels!

Korea has some of the most beautifully decorated, terrible tasting cupcakes I have ever tried. They're dry and not very sweet but hey! at least they look good! Well, a few weeks ago, my sweet friend, Amber, took me to decorate these aforementioned cupcakes for my birthday. There's a cupcake shop just down the street from her apartment where the owner teaches classes on the basics of decorating cupcakes.
cupcake décoration techniques
I should probably note here that Amber is a natural at all things DIY. You know those people that make it look effortless enough that you think you can try but then it just ends up looking like a Pinterest fail? Yea, she's one of those.
cupcake décoration techniques
Before we went, I was pumped, I was excited, I felt like all of my childhood dreams of becoming a baker were coming true. Although I'll be honest, I think I only wanted to be a baker so I had an excuse to 'taste-test' (aka stick my finger in the batter bowl) sweets all day.
korean cupcakes
cupcake frosting
The first thing she had us try were 'simple' frosting flowers which she would put into the freezer to harden and then we could layer them on top of the other frosting creations. She swirled the paper around, so effortlessly, making mock flowers that looked like they came straight out of Real Simple Magazine. My friend, aka Betty Crocker, followed her lead and produced several symmetrical flowers in a row. Me? It looked like a kid's finger painting session. And from a kid that was feeling free to 'express' themselves.
cupcake décoration techniques
Our teacher kept giggling at my poor attempts and even held my hand to show me how to do it. When even that didn't turn out so well (ok, there was one that she turned her head to the side at and mentioned that it wasn't bad) she moved on to easier techniques.
cupcake décoration techniques
We practiced on the bottom of measuring cups before moving on to the real deal.
These easier techniques I caught onto just a tad bit quicker and thankfully was able to make a few half decent ones.
cupcake décoration techniques
I think form now on I'll leave the decorating to the professionals. But I've got to say that I have a ton more respect for these bakers!
How is everyone else at decorating? Am I the only one who will be buying my child's birthday cake at the bakery every year?
Attention! Attention! We're heading out of town for the first week in August and I'm looking for some people to guest post for me while we're gone! I have just three spots available for purchase on my sponsor page. Guest posts would have to be turned in by the 21st of this month. Each is just $15 and includes a 250 X 250 sized ad on my sidebar for a month. It's first come, first serve so reserve your spot today!

Linking up with  CarissaRachelLoganLeann, Molly

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