Thursday, 4 July 2013


before i die i want to..
Dear Seoul, after a great weekend of thrifting, blates, eating legit (as legit as we can get in Korea) Mexican food, we're ready to go back. Sometimes I just really miss living in a big city with so much to do and see. Oh and I'm a sucker for street art such as this one pictured above. What do you want to do before you die? Dear Island, it's safe to say that our time with you is drawing to an end. We have loved living here for the past two and a half years but its' time for a change. We have something in the works, hopefully a new destination, but its still too soon to say anything quite yet! 
Dear Zeke, I admit, this is on the verge of mean, but you provide the best entertainment! I love having a daredevil cat. Dear Snail Mail Collective, in the eloquent words of my partner, Melyssa, I'm so excited I'm about to pee myself! TMI? Perhaps...but I'm ok with that. I'm just so excited to see so many excited participants and can't wait to start connecting people around the world! You still have a few days to join the over 100 people that are signed up! Click here for more details! 

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzieLisette
And now onto one of my lovely sponsors this month. Be sure to check her out and say hi!

About LB: My lifestyle bblg follows my adventures with life and love. I'm a dreamer, believer in the impossible, love the small things in life, and have an unstoppable sweet tooth!

Her Favorite Trip: I traveled and lived in Ireland for half a year. I was stationed in Dublin but was able to travel all over the countryside- I absolutely loved it and miss it everyday!

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